Welcome to Harvester's Orbital Network Ecclesia portal!

Welcome to the Harvester ONE Portal!

We are commissioned to go and commanded to love! “ONE” refers to our Orbital Network Ecclesia. For more information about the benefits and operations download the brochure here.

When the Lord showed us how to move from pyramid organizational structures to planetary systems, it helped us to centre everything we do on Jesus Christ.

At a local church level, our emphasis is to see Christ formed in people, to co-labour with Him to build his church.

Our regional Harvester Councils have become collaborative hubs that build strong fellowship and accountability between leaders and orbits of function.

Our Apostolic Council helps to coordinate missions and vision, aiding the regional councils as needed to promote this global move of God in new regions, extended His glorious kingdom in hearts and minds, while establishing Harvester Reformational Churches with Miracle Bible Training Centres.

Ezekiel saw a vision of God’s glorious presence, and the cherubim that moved in the same direction. He saw “wheels with wheels” which also describes how we network with our affiliated churches and partners around the world. The Spirit leads us, and we agree to ONE vision to go and make disciples of all nations, preparing the Bride of Christ for His return, while obeying Jesus’ command to love and serve God and Humanity.

We look forward to engaging more with you and celebrating as well as publishing your good news on our media platforms. We will follow all relevant POPIA Act laws and take diligent care of your information with your permission, storing it with security protocols accessible to reliable administrators.

Grace and peace,

Apostle Aje Pelser

    Feature 1


    Harvester churches and organizations:  Clear mandates to reform the church in order to reform the land, complete with monthly synergy through regional apostolic councils that provide consistent direction and strategy to fulfil the mandate of commission and command issued by our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Feature 2


    Galactic mergers that affect change in God’s kingdom and across societal boundaries. Networks will state and affirm their alignment with this move of God. Affiliated Churches, organizations and individual ministries: Affiliation and operating systems reflect the Harvester Constitution in their locality along with the prescribed Biblical standards of management and ministry operations.

    Feature 3


    Based on partnership with apostles and fivefold ministers that represent this move of God across 6 continents.